About Mark Senn
November 21, 2018

Married to Karen Senn.

Have two grown daughters---Naomi and Elaine.

Earned a Bachelor of Science in Engineering with Distinction in Interdisciplinary Engineering from Purdue University focused on scientific computer programming.

Work full-time as a Systems Programmer at the Engineering Computer Network, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, United States. I live in Lafayette.

Like doing scientifically oriented programming, technical editing, typesetting, and visualization using Emacs, LaTeX, Mathematica, Raku Perl 6, etc. on Ubuntu Linux.

email (email addresses below is an image so it is harder for spam robots to read)

From Can I overdose on music?:

Because music stimulates so much of our brains, constant exposure reduces its benefits, scientists say. Enjoy silence once in a while to recharge and gain its full positive effects.

Revised: November 21, 2018
Created: November 10, 2018